The tailored crash course for a professional appearance on all things corporate video

Christoph Dostal teaches the most important ‘film acting techniques’ and offers guidance on setting up your own affordable home or corporate video studio as well as on the use of camera angles, eye lines, lighting, sound and background design.

- The home office is the new normal but are you ‘camera ready’?

The age of the home office is here. What might have seemed unthinkable not so long ago is now the norm and seen as desirable by big corporations and small businesses alike. Hence you stay in touch with your own team as well as your customers via video. Of course, you have the software to do so. But do you have the camera acting training and film know-how, too?

- Film know-how for all things corporate video

Video conferences, video presentations, video negotiations, company videos, business videos ... Today everything revolves around appearing in front of your own webcam and other visual media. But when did you complete your part-time training in all these areas: camera acting, film directing, camera operating, lighting, sound and set design? Most likely never. Which is why the actor Christoph Dostal now offers a range of courses tailored to your unique needs.

- Getting ‘camera ready’ with a basic on camera acting training

For most people, it is initially uncomfortable to be in front of a camera and in the spotlight. It feels strange to see your own image on the monitor and hear your own voice through the speakers. In addition, nothing escapes the camera. On the contrary, unconscious habits and behaviors are even amplified by the camera. This basic on camera training teaches you the most important film acting techniques in the shortest possible time, such as conscious posture and body language, an increased sensibility for your eye lines, facial expressions and gestures as well as voice clarity, focus, reduction of vocal space fillers and much more.

- Your personality on camera as seen by the others

This basic camera training quickly makes you feel secure and self-confident in front of the camera. It gives you the one most important experience: recognizing and learning about your own external image! You get to know yourself as you are perceived by the outside world. Armed with this knowledge you can now pull the focus on the strengths of your personality and your character, in front of the camera and in face-to-face meetings.

- How to set up your affordable home or corporate video studio

This new way of working might almost seem like a full on film production as you have to make sure your image framing, the quality of lighting and sound as well as the background are set and arranged professionally. But what equipment should you use? A list of tried and tested light, sound, background and camera equipment is suggested and explained in detail with the focus on its affordability and practicality in everyday use.

If you are interested to find out more on any of the above courses please send an e-mail to